First Films First




Having worked as a journalist, Gabriele Brunnenmeyer was in charge of the MEDIA Antenna Berlin-Brandenburg, acting as an artistic adviser for the MEDIA training initiative Moonstone International as well as an artistic director for Connecting Cottbus till the end of 2010.
From 2013 till December 2014 she was the head of studies for the MEDIA supported training program Maia Workshops.

Since 2005 she is working for the Kuratorium Junger Deutscher Film as a free lanced project and script advisor.

Since 2013 she is acting as the conference coordinator for the BLS Film Conference Incontri in Italy, South Tyrol.

Furthermore Gabriele is working as consultant for script development, packaging and project presentation for Sarajevo Talents, Robert Bosch Coproduction Prize, HFF München, Sam Spiegel School and others. Gabriele lives in Leipzig and Berlin.

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