First Films First


CrossRoads Co-Production forum of Thessaloniki International Film Festival has ended with good news for Goethe-Institut’s FIRST FILMS FIRST.

BABY, the debut project of our alumnus Nikos Kyritsis has received the Initiative Film award which will provide six months of follow-up consultative services for its development strategy.

BABY will portray the struggle of teenage Zackarias with the new role of fatherhood while trying to survive Athens’ overwhelming reality after being saddled with his newborn and abandoned by his girlfriend.

Prominent Greek producer Maria Drandaki of HomeMade Films is producing BABY.

Good luck to Nikos Kyritsis and the creative team for the rest of the journey ahead of them. For more info on BABY click here.

P.S. Another FFF Alumnus Filip Herakovic has already finished shooting a low-budget film called Pelican which received the award of 119 Marvila Studios Image post-production services before shooting his FIRST FILMS FIRST project. What can we say; we are proud!


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